Hannah Hostetter

Projects and Organizational Development Lead

Oglala Lakota descendant

what is your professional background?
Cuál es su experiencia profesional?

Hannah is a food systems and project management professional with a Master of Business Administration (MBA), a Master of Food Studies, and bachelor's degrees in Environmental Studies and English Literature. During her time at NATIFS, Hannah has managed a wide variety of projects, including launching the Indigenous Food Lab Market and NATIFS' work with the USDA's Indigenous Food Sovereignty Initiative to develop recipes and cooking videos. Hannah brings 15 years of work experience in the non-profit sector in a variety of roles, including community organizing focusing on natural resource management, teaching environmental and gardening education, coordinating food distribution and rescue, and operating sustainable and regenerative agricultural projects.

What does your typical workday at NATIFS involve?
Qué implica tu jornada laboral típica en NATIFS?

The beauty of doing project work means that no two days are ever the same! In practice that means I spend most days connecting with co-workers and community partners to scope out and determine next steps on projects, make sure they have the right mixture of structure and resources to do their work, and, of course, find solutions to problems as they arise.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Cuando eras niño, ¿qué querías ser de mayor?

A paleontologist, marine biologist, or a "stitcher" (of cross-stitch projects)
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